Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design is an innovative approach to website design and development. Due to the increasing use of tablets and better smartphones, BenchMark has fully adopted responsive website design as our standard approach to web design for now and the future.
What is a Responsive Website?
Responsive Web Design is a form of web development which allows for cross-platform compatibility. Using fluid layouts that customize the and look of the website, based on what user interface the website visitor is using (smart phone, desktop, laptop, tablet, etc…)
BenchMark is just getting started with responsive design, and we are quickly growing our portfolio of websites utilizing responsive design. You can take a look at our website, and view it on a few different devices to see an example of our work.
What are the benefits of a responsive website?
Both the website owner and website visitors benefit from responsive web design.
The reason? Because responsive design is essentially one website that is programmed to move fluidly based on the device. Mobile website design is essentially an entirely different website. Google prefers to index ONE website, and rankings will benefit from the same URLs and page content.
you will be able to customize the visitors visual experience based on which device and/or screen size they are viewing your website with. Certain elements, such as photos, links and large blocks of content may work on a large desktop monitor, but may be really hard to see and feel cluttered on a mobile device.
You as the website owner, will only have to update content and images in one place.
Is a responsive website right for everyone?
We believe that in most cases it makes sense to design a responsive website. However, if your website business is strategically centered around a mobile device, then you should consider a separate mobile website.